Episode 14

Season 2 Bloopers

That's a wrap on Season 2, please enjoy all the giggles and mishaps that didn't make into some of our episodes.

Make sure you subscribe and be on the look out for Season 3 to drop July 2, 2024, We've got changes and great discussions to look forward too.


And Taz-ignite

Option. Almost, yeah, I saw you. No, that was that was. That was Okay. You want to close this out?

Sure, okay, all right, listeners. So let us know, would you consider this a romantic scene or what? Nope, don't like that.

No, I don't either.

What do you want to do thing?

I don't know. This is really hard.

Here you go. Okay, what I do the quote, I just had it. Come little human. He gestures his hand. No, no, that didn't sound right at all. Okay, come little human. He gestures his Fuck.

Yeah, yeah, it's going to be one of those. It's going to be one of those.

Maybe you should read the quote.

I mean, try one more time of not, I'm tagging you in,

fair enough,

okay, whew. Come little human. He gestured his hand out to present more of his left. Yeah, no, here, okay,

yeah, drop it in the chat. Me and Sulley got this, okay.

So, side note, I just pulled up Wordhippo to find other words for agree. Find other words for what?

Remember? I was joking about how the number one word that we said was oh yeah, I agree.

Oh yeah, I forgot we were going to like, we needed like a word jar, like every time one of us says agree or right, we have to put like 50 cents in the word jar. Sully we just ran headfirst into a door.

Poor Sully girl, she's having a morning too. She is like she's got the zoomies right now. When he goes to go. When,

Sulley girl, you're so pretty,

she's so pretty as she continues to bite me.

That's her love language.

Hey, I get it. It's mine too.

I love you so much, Jenn.

That's going to go in this season.

Two for reals. Yes, yes, yeah, okay, she does.

The thing that Alina did is that her name Alina.

You're gonna have to help me.

The throne of glass chick, what's her name?

Oh, aelin

I'm gonna cut that part out of me not knowing her name. Mistie's gonna have one episode where she got all the names right and nobody's gonna know.

Okay, because I'm taking that out works for me,

okay, elena?

No, hey, aelin, aelin,

you're totally right. Now I'm really cutting that part out where I didn't know her name Because I'm going to ace this episode.

You are,

I'll put it in the bloopers.

I totally wanted to make a dick reference joke about you know, pulling out and like the tip only, but I didn't know how that was going to fit.

That's what he said, or she said,

if I could have figured it out, that would have been a great spot.

It's too early to be, but like they can't figure it out, so it's just SOL for most of us. It's too early in the morning to be thinking on my feet like that. Okay, alright, hold on, the dog wants in. No, you're good, you're good. I would say I'm going to go home, but I'm already at home. So you are.

Ow, shit, you fucking scared me. You see me like. I'm sorry, just blame it on Sully. She's such a shithead. Like I thought you were coming at me in the computer. Okay, that's why I like jumped back like, oh my god, that's so funny. Oh really, yeah, I love that you're doing the closeout. I'm so happy that it's not me this season, this semester, oh gosh, that's great.

What are they called?

Main female characters, heroines,

well, like the things that we're talking about


traits. Thank you,

you're welcome.

What the fuck is that? Okay, y'all. There we go, listeners, if what I was saying you get to close, I love this, you get to close now and I don't have to.

Sorry, maybe I shouldn't have said that. Okay, me, you, yeah, you, since you have it if you don't mind, okay. Then Did you see that Slightly Jumped up and over your shoulder. It was funny, sorry, okay, okay. So I lost you after you said knocked out, I still don't have you. Oh, biscuits and gravy, okay, I'm not doing this.

Well today, I think you did really good so far. Coming back to you, yes, yeah, yeah, mm-hmm. Yeah, I did not struggle because of the content, I just grabbed what I did. Fuck, it's going to be one of those days I struggled, it's okay, you can. Of those days I struggled, it's okay, you can laugh at me. Yeah, I struggled, oh, boy. So thank you for joining us today on the podcast. We hope you enjoyed this episode. Have a great one. Bye.

Yeah, you know, just research I've done in the kink community community, that's funny. You're coming in and out on my end. I have no idea if that picked it up. I plugged my phone in and it just picked everything up. I only heard part of what you said, but I agree. Yeah, I thought you were going to say you met Bigfoot and his name is Bob. Do what I'm running commentary in my brain. It's not working right this morning. You have a Bigfoot friend named Bob. He picked Bob because it was the most American name he could pick Besides John. He's like hi, I'm Bob, I'm your resident Bigfoot. Please don't come this way, because this is my territory. Yeah, you had previously read, you know, to just have the. Now my brain's working today, I think. I think that's it. Do we need to touch on anything else? Bye.

Transcribed by https://podium.page

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An Unveiling Dark Romance Podcast

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